We offer a full range of high quality evidence-based services for women and teenage girls including:


We offer all forms of contraception including emergency contraception. We offer oral and topical options and also long acting contraceptives such as the Mirena, Kyleena, Jaydess, Ballerine and other copper coils and the Implanon long acting implant. We also offer coil insertion for younger women and teenagers who may not have given birth and who often feel they may not be eligible for this form of contraception.

Gynaecological problems

Many women and teenagers experience problems with periods and pelvic pain. We offer examination, investigation, treatment and if necessary onward referral for all gynaecological conditions. Please speak to one of our doctors if you are experiencing any difficulties and we will use our expertise to help you.

Fertility difficulties

Difficulty conceiving can prove extremely stressful for individuals and couples. We are experienced in the initial investigation and management of fertility issues and offer examination, blood tests, and referral for scanning if indicated. We can also organise semen analysis for men where needed. Referral onwards to specialist care is offered where needed.

Menopause Care

Every woman experiences the menopause differently and therefore faces different challenges along the way. We take the time to listen to our patients and suggest a plan that aims to make any troublesome symptoms easier to manage. As well as prescribing HRT (hormone replacement therapy), if needed, we also look at mood, bone health, sexual health, breast health and check cervical smears are up to date.